Fluoride Treatment in Gainesville, VA

Stronger Teeth With Fluoride

Preventative dental care provides extra support in protecting your long-term oral health.

Professional-grade fluoride applications will help remineralize and strengthen the enamel, preventing tooth decay. We use sealants to eliminate the deep groves on the molars of children and young adults to prevent the accumulation of stains and decay.

At GoSmiles, we may recommend fluoride applications or sealants during your routine dental exam. If you’re experiencing extreme tooth sensitivity, make an appointment today to talk about treatment.

Protect Your Smile With Fluoride and Sealants

Lower Cavity Risk

Fluoride treatments build stronger enamel and fill in cracks and crevices where decay starts with dental sealants.

Oral Support

Fluoride application and dental sealants can support other preventive care treatments for better overall oral health.

Social Confidence

Cavities can cause health issues along with halitosis (bad breath). Stopping current cavities and maintaining your gum health will keep you confident with the look and function of your smile.

Preventive Fluoride

Fluoride remineralizes enamel for better acid resistance, along with reversing early tooth decay. 

While you do get some level of fluoride in toothpaste, getting a professional fluoride treatment in Gainesville delivers a much higher level of fluoride for heightened remineralization and strengthening of depleted tooth enamel.

How it Works

After cleaning your teeth, we’ll apply the fluoride. You’ll need to allow the treatment time to absorb, so we recommend that you avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes to an hour after the application. The treatment strengthens your tooth enamel to make it less susceptible to cavities, bacteria, and decay.

Our family dentist in Gainesville handing a teeth whitening kit to a patient.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants get applied to crevices and grooves on molar teeth, creating a barrier between the tooth surface and food debris or bacteria.

Dental sealants can work for up to 10 years. The application of dental sealants is a preventative service that we most commonly use on children who are just learning to brush their teeth. We will also use this option for adults who are prone to cavities, possess weakened enamel, or have deep fissures on the surface of their molars.

How it Works

Dental sealants are applied between the crevices and grooves on the molar teeth (back teeth) to act as a barrier between the tooth surface and food debris or bacteria. Once set in place, sealants can work for up to 10 years.

To begin this process, the tooth surface is thoroughly cleaned and dried. An appropriate amount of liquid sealant material is carefully applied to the tooth surface, covering the vulnerable areas. The sealant will take a few minutes to dry and harden under an LED light. Finally, the sealant is set into place.

Dentist with a patient during his exam and dental cleaning in Gainesville, VA.

VELscope® Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer is a rather frightening condition that can quickly spread to other parts of the body when left undetected. Fortunately, when caught early, the cancer is much easier to treat.

Using the VELscope system, our team conducts a thorough assessment of your mouth during every six-month visit. While cancer in the early stages may not show any obvious symptoms or indications, we can quickly spot it using our screening device.

How it Works

VELscope utilizes fluorescent lighting to penetrate the tissue and easily visualize areas of increased density or tumor development beneath the skin’s surface. Upon discovery of any abnormalities, we can quickly begin our mission of securing your health with a biopsy, analysis, and planning any subsequent procedures.

Illustration of how VELscope® works for Oral Cancer Screenings.
Our dentist with a patient during her consultation for preventative dental care in Gainesville, VA.

Schedule Fluoride Treatments Today

Get stronger, healthier teeth with GoSmiles Dentistry.

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